FAQs and expert advice about cars & transport

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Hampshire and Dorset Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Arriving In Style

Arriving In Style

Q We're having a vintage-themed celebration and want to incorporate this into our transport. Do you have any ideas on how we can do this?
A Jo Austin says: There are many ways to incorporate transport into your vintage-themed wedding. Whatever your dream vehicle, there are many options to help make a stunning entrance to your vintage wedding that will create a fantastic statement – just dare to be different.

At Radiant Retro Rides, we have a truly remarkable example of the iconic VW campervan. But you could also check out our latest addition. For a real head turner, how about a classic 1968 Vespa Piaggio moped in white, with Union Jack painted decor? Both are unique additions to any vintage-themed celebration.

We love all vintage cars, and there are so many to choose from. A 1950s Jeep is a classic option for this style as well as an Austin, which is possibly a vehicle we'll look at one day, as it matches our family name and is an excellent option for weddings.

Jo Austin, Radiant Retro Rides

Big-day transport

Big-day transport

Q What questions are important to ask a transport company before we book them for our special day?
A Catherine White says: It's important to check if you can view the vehicles in person to meet the supplier and see if everything look as good as they appear in photographs. You can then compare what you're getting for your money if you're looking at several quotes. You'll also be able to see how much space is available in the vehicles for the bridal party and whether you can easily get in and out.

It's essential to ensure your suppliers offer a contract and that you're happy with what's included before you pay your deposit. If you don't understand or are unsure about anything, a good supplier will always take the time to explain things clearly.

If you're having different venues for your ceremony and reception, check that the supplier will take you to both and that they've quoted clearly for any extra mileage. If you've got a large party to transport, it's worth asking if they can undertake more than one trip if you're local.

Ask the team if they stay for photographs after your ceremony or once you arrive at the reception. They might even be happy to stop off en route at a local beauty spot so that you can really make the most of your hire time.

Lastly, check if decorations are included in the price. Transport companies usually provide ribbons, but some suppliers offer other decorations like flower garlands and married signs.

Catherine White, Dorset Dubhire

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